Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Ripple of Hope - Bobby Kennedy Quote Print - Holiday Special

Ripple of Hope - Bobby Kennedy Quote Print
Holiday Special
A single ripple emanates outward on Mendums Pond in Durham, NH in this mixed media image. In this color image the sky has been painted with watercolors giving the image a very etherial feeling. The image brought to mind Robert Kennedy's famous Affirmation Day speech in South Africa in 1966. RFK had been warned not to go to South Africa and told that his presence would only cause trouble. He went anyway and gave the most beautiful and powerful speech of his life and one of the most eloquent speeches in history to my mind. I have added a portion of the speech to the original image which is also available without the speech. People like me who long for a leader who is fiercely brave and reaches out to the forgotten and dispossessed as well as the working man and woman and the one percent with a message that we are all in this together will find this image one of your most cherished possessions. It is available in both a signed edition as well as an inexpensive open edition. The signed originals are printed on fine art rag paper with archival inks, the open edition on your choice of stock.
Quote from Robert F. Kennedy's famous "Ripple of Hope" Speech delivered in South Africa in 1966 when South Africa was deep in the throes of Apartheid. In a courageous act, and against all the advice of almost all those who were grooming RFK for the Presidency, he delivered this speech calling people worldwide to the cause of freedom and equality.
"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

Special Offer

19" x 30" Signed limited Edition of 250 prints
Was $125
Special Price $99.00

A Ripple of Hope:
Signed limited edition poster created from an image of the same name inspired by the famed
courageous speech of Robert F. Kennedy in 1966 in South Africa where he spoke out against the Apartheid system and for hope.

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

Listen to the speech here.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Common Sense 2017: Time for Democrats to Offer Alternatives

Common Sense 2017: Time for Democrats to Offer Alternatives

Common Sense 2017: Time for Democrats to Offer Alternatives
Wayne D. King

I'm so tired of the Democrats in Congress acting like the Republicans who did nothing but obstruct Barack Obama. I want them to stand up and offer alternatives.

Tell the country how to fix Obamacare and try to peel off enough Republicans to pass it.

Offer a plan for infrastructure that modernizes the national grid to prepare us for the Internet of Things and the post carbon era with laterally scaled micro-grids linking homes and businesses and small power producers. The vast majority of good jobs that will be created over the next 20 years will be in building out the Third Industrial Revolution infrastructure. Let's get to it. China is already working to wrest the mantle of world leadership from us. Let's not give it away without a fight!

One up the Republicans and offer a tax reform plan that eliminates business taxes entirely (and all the special exemptions, incentives, and give aways - in 2015 fossil fuel companies received more than 82 billion dollars in tax incentives) Collect the taxes from the individuals who benefit from the profits and let the shareholders determine whether the companies should be spending money for wasteful purposes. This would also eliminate all of the onerous filings required of nonprofits and encourage the development of more of them.

Choose 10 of the most impoverished, jobless regions of the country and test ten different outside-the-box ideas for turning them around. Put some real money behind the effort. Toss out the ideas that fail and try ten more. Take the ones that work and share them with others who are experiencing similar problems.  Start by testing the Guaranteed Basic Income idea providing a minimal monthly allowance to every adult (in the test area) and then allow them to build their employment and lifestyle choices  around that to achieve a standard of living that is real, sustainable and fulfilling.

Create a National Service requirement. Every person who reaches the age of 18 should be required to choose between military or civil service and to serve 2 years before the age of 30. No exceptions for rich kids or people with disabilities or any other excuse. . . ok if you must have a conscientious objector status for those who object to being forced to do right - but make it hard as hell to obtain. Think about what it would do for the country to have rich kids and poor kids working side by side to make this world a better place. Think of how many kids who have grown up in abject poverty would be empowered by the franchise granted to them by two years of service to the nation. A young man or woman who has spent two years building the nation is going to think twice before he or she throws a trash can through a storefront window.  From many we must be one again. This is the revolution of our time.

Just saying . . .
wdk 2017

The Whisper of Wind