Penn, a Quaker, was the original socially responsible businessman who recognized that making a profit by paying attention to what is now called the "triple bottom line" was the surest way to both profitability and sustainability of those profits.
Penn's philosophy made Pennsylvania not only the safest place to live in the colonies but also the most prosperous place to live as well.
Wikipedia Biography
University of Virginia Bio
No Cross, No Crown
Written from Jail by William Penn at the age of 24 while he was in prison in the Tower for the “blasphemy” of a pamphlet, The Sandy Foundation Shaken, in which he had assailed what were regarded as the strongholds of the Christian faith. His purpose in writing No Cross No Crown he describes as “to show the nature and discipline of the holy Cross of Christ; and that the denial of self … is the alone way to the Rest and Kingdom of God.”
Written in the old English style and very difficult to read in its original form.
Google Books
Some Fruits of Solitude
William Penn
The Holy Experiment - The Founding of Pennsylvania
Conceived in Liberty Volume 1: Murray Rothbard
Chapter 55
The Pink Cloud

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